Friday, July 31, 2009

Carpinteria, California "The World's Safest Beach"

The beach town of Carpinteria is about 25 minutes north of Camarillo and has always billed itself as "The World's Safest Beach.

The Pacific Oceean here is very calm with a long, shallow stretch of sand with very small, kid friendly waves.

Linden Avenue, Carpinteria's main street

For a high cholesterol pizza, try Tony's on the right.

On Wednesday, we opted instead for a classy Italian meal at Gianfranco's Trattoria, the red brick building on the left. By American-Italian dining standards it was very good!

With my youngest sister, Linda

It was Linda who called for this dinner meeting as we belatedly celebrated one of Laurie's birthdays, I won't say which one.

Besides the good food and fellowship, Linda wanted to see our pictures of Asturias, Spain where she spent a very important part of her youth.

Who was I to say no.

The Las Vegas, Nevada Post Office

Andy entered this photo into the fray, nice but I thought L.V.'s would be a little glitzier.

The Redlands, California Post Office

David P. Lassen continues to twist the knife deeper into Camarillo's back!

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